“I clearly want to look at it and see what the feel of the voters is,” LaMarca said this morning. “I count Adam as a friend, but I need to look at this.”
U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, holds the seat now. But with the legislature redrawing District 22 with a Democratic tilt, West announced he’ll run instead in more balanced Palm Beach-Treasure Coast District 18. After West’s announcement, Hasner dropped his Republican U.S. Senate bid to run in District 22, bringing nearly $700,000 in campaign cash and endorsements from West and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. Hasner has also been designated an “on the radar” candidate by the National Republican Congressional Committee.LaMarca says he’ll probably decide within a week whether to pursue the congressional bid.
Democrats Lois Frankel and Kristin Jacobs are also running in District 22.